1 Year in Arizona and Goodbye Arcosanti
Today is the one-year anniversary of my arrival at Arcosanti. On May 1, 2005 I drove in after dark and appropriated an empty cube. May 2nd was my first full day living in Arizona.
After 11 months, I have now left Arcosanti. I spent the weekend of April 14 - 16 moving into my fiancee's apartment in Mesa (a suburb on the East side of Phoenix). For those who don't know, Kerstin teaches Latin and Humane Letters at Tempe Preparatory Academy. Tempe is another Phoenix suburb just west of Mesa, and TPA is a public charter school for grades 7 - 12. For more info on TPA, check out the May 8, 2006 edition of Newsweek!! Once the school year ends, Kerstin and I will be moving into a larger place together. We're hoping to find a house to rent, somewhere between her job and mine.
Speaking of my job, I am now working at Romic Environmental, Inc. as a chemist. Romic is a hazardous waste treatment and storage plant. In addition to disposing of waste, Romic also has the capability to distill and purify some chemicals such as solvents and antifreeze. The reclaimed products can then be shipped back to their creators or sold to other companies.
In October, Kerstin and I will be heading back to Arcosanti to get married. Our wedding will be held at Arcosanti on October 7, 2006. The ceremony will be held in the Colly Soleri Memorial Garden. I'll try to get a picture of the garden up in the next couple of days.
I will be posting a few more pictures of Arcosanti over the next few days, including some shots from the only snowfall of the year, back in March.
I will always remember my time at Arcosanti, but it was time for me to leave. I would still love to see Arcosanti completed in my lifetime, but now I will be cheering the project on rather than participating in it.
Hey Bob,
I got that email with the article from Newsweek. Tempe sounds awesome. I hope I can get a job at a Charter school; they seem so much better than public schools.
I'm looking forward to seeing you in October. Tell Kerstin I said Hi.
Much Love, Kati
It was sad to see you leave, but the more I think about it, the happier I am that you have found such a wonderful life to live elsewhere! I can't wait until October to witness your wedding and the unbridled joy therein!
Congrats on getting out,a nd getting somewhere better. Two things so few are capable of doing here at Arcosanti.
Hope things are going well, that is a big change. Congrats on the new job.
Aer you two doing any vacation while school is out?
Have you been out to biosphere? I hear that will soon be a burb.
Post more pix!
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